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Bulletin of Applied Animal Research
ISSN : 27145395     EISSN : 26848007     DOI :
Bulletin of Applied Animal Research (BAAR) is a specialized journal for animal science. Bulletin of Applied Animal Research (BAAR) that encompasses a wide range of research areas including animal breeding and genetics, reproduction, feeding and nutrition, immunology, pathology, physiology, microbiology, biochemistry, ethology, Animal management and economics, behavior and welfare, biotechnology, and animal products. The journal in pigs, poultry, beef cattle, cows, goats and sheep, but the studies involving laboratory animal species that address fundamental questions related to livestock are also welcome.
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Studi Kelayakan Pengelolaan Usaha Pembibitan Dan Penggemukan Sapi Po Kebumen Nunur nuraeni; Muhammad Faisal Ismail Aryadi
Bulletin of Applied Animal Research Vol 4 No 1 (2022): Bulletin of Applied Animal Research
Publisher : LPPM Perjuangan University of Tasikmalaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36423/baar.v4i1.900


Kabupaten Kebumen merupakan salah satu sentra peternakan sapi potong lokal, khususnya sapi dari bangsa Peranakan Ongole (PO) san telah memiliki galur tersendiri yaitu Sapi PO Kebumen. Populasi sapi PO di Kabupaten Kebumen mengalami penurunan dari tahun 2010 sampai dengan tahun 2015. Melalui kegiatan Riset Unggulan Daerah pemerintah mencoba melaksanakan study kelayakan pengelolaan usaha peternakan yang berbadan usaha di Kabupaten Kebumen. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui faktor/aspek-aspek yang diperlukan dalam pendirian Usaha Peternakan yang Berbadan Hukum, mengetahui layak tidaknya pendirian Usaha Peternakan yang Berbadan Hukum di Kabupaten Kebumen dan menghasilkan Model Operasionalisasi Pengelolaan Usaha Peternakan yang Berbadan Hukum. Berdasarkan hasil mengolah data primer dan sekunder rekomendasi badan usaha pengelolaan pembibitan dan penggemukan Sapi PO Kebumen adalah Perusahaan Daerah dan apabila Perusahaan Daerah cukup lama dalam pendiriannya dapat diawali dengan Usaha Pembibitan dan Penggemukan Sapi PO Kebumen oleh antar Badan Usaha Milik Desa (Bumdes) yang berada di lokasi pembibitan. Pola pengelolaan usaha baik dilaksanakan oleh Perusda maupun Bumdes dibedakan menjadi tiga pola pemeliharaan yaitu a) pemeliharaan oleh perusda, b) pemeliharaan dengan cara gaduhan dimana seluruh asset masih milik peternak dan c) pemeliharaan   dengan   cara   gaduhan   dimana   seluruh   asset   bibit   betina   menjadi   milik peternak/plasma.  Berdsarkan  perhitungan  analisis  finansial  pada  masing-masing  pola menunjukkan   nila   NPV   pola   A   dan   B   positif   yaitu   Rp.,26   dan   Rp.3.035.475.194,15,  sedangkan  pada  pola  C  nilainya  negatif  yaitu     Rp.  (4.668.450.161,29). Perhitungan Net B/C pada pola pemeliharaan A adalah 1,2 pada pemeliharaan B 1,16 dan pada pola pemeliharaan C 0,96. Nilai  IRR menunjukkan nilai lebih besar dari Diskon Faktor (>20%) pada pola pemeliharaan A, B dan C masing-masing yaitu 55,73, 46,71 dan 46,71. Nilai Payback Period (PP) pada pola pemeliharaan A menunjukkan waktu pengembalian paling cepat yaitu 2,55 tahun atau kurang dari lima tahun, sedangkan pada pola pemeliharaan B dan C menunjukan angka lebih dari lima tahun yaitu 5,26 tahun.   Berdasarkan data tersebut, pola pemeliharaan A dan B layak untuk dijalankan dalam mendirikan Perusda Pembibitan dan Penggemukan Sapi PO Kebumen, sedangkan pola C tidak layak. Pola B lebih disarankan untuk dijalankan karena selain untuk pengembangan, pelestarian Sapi PO Kebumen, meningkatkan kegiatan peternakan di Kabupaten Kebumen  dan menambah PAD juga dapat mensejahterakan masyarakat peternak. Kata kunci: Pembibitan, Penggemukan, Sapi PO Kebumen, Perusahaan Daerah
Pengaruh Kombinasi Pemberian Pakan Hijauan dan Konsentrat dengan Bentuk yang Berbeda Terhadap Performa Kelinci Jantan New Zaeland White Putri Awaliya Dughita; Bagus Andika Fitroh
Bulletin of Applied Animal Research Vol 4 No 1 (2022): Bulletin of Applied Animal Research
Publisher : LPPM Perjuangan University of Tasikmalaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36423/baar.v4i1.921


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui efek penggunaan kombinasi antara hijauan dan konsentrat dengan bentuk yang berbeda terhadap performa kelinci jantan new zaeland white. Materi yang digunakan pada peneltian adalah kelinci jantan new zaeland white umur 3 bulan sebanyak 32 ekor. Kelinci dikelompokan berdasarkan 4 perlakuan yang berbeda yaitu: Daun Kubis Bunga (DKB) + konsentrat bentuk pellet (T1), Daun Kubis Bunga (DKB) + konsentrat bentuk crumble (T2), Daun Kubis Bunga (DKB) + konsentrat bentuk mash (T3), Daun Kubis Bunga (DKB) + konsentrat bentuk pasta (T4). Metode yang digunakan pada peneltian adalah percobaan dengan completely random design (CRD). Data diolah menggunakan ANOVA (Analysis of variance) bila terdapat perbedaan yang sangat nyata maka dilanjutkan dengan uji Duncan Multipel range test (DMRT). Hasil dari penelitian menunjukan bahwa efek penggunaan kombinasi antara hijauan dan konsentrat dengan bentuk yang berbeda memberikan hasil berbeda nyata (P<0,01) pada konsumsi pakan dan konversi pakan, tetapi memberikan hasil yang nyata (P>0,05) pada pertambahan bobot badan. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini bahwa efek pemberian kombinasi antara hijauan dengan bentuk konsentrat yang berbeda memberikan perbedaan hasil pada konsumsi pakan dan konversi pakan, pertambahan bobot badan, dan konversi pakan terhadap kelinci jantan new zaeland white, meskipun terdapat perbedaan pada performa tetapi pertumbuhan kelinci terlihat normal dan dalam keadaan sehat. Kata kunci: kelinci jantan new zaeland white, daun kubis bunga, perbedaan bentuk konsentrat.
Analisis Faktor-Faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Pendapatan Usaha Ternak Kambing di Kabupaten Pangandaran Edi Sutardi; Firgian Ardigurnita; Nurul Frasiska
Bulletin of Applied Animal Research Vol 4 No 1 (2022): Bulletin of Applied Animal Research
Publisher : LPPM Perjuangan University of Tasikmalaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36423/baar.v4i1.927


The purpose of this study is to determine the role of the government, motivation, capital, livestock ownership, land ownership, farmer education, livestock experience and the COVID-19 pandemic on the income of farmers in developing a business in Pangandaran Regency. By using two methods, namely observation and interviews. Observations were made by collecting data through direct observation of goat breeders in three sub-districts located in Pangandaran Regency. Interviews were conducted by collecting data by conducting direct interviews with goat breeders in Pangandaran Regency, which were more precisely conducted in three sub-districts. The parameters measured in the research that have been carried out are 8 factors, namely the role of the government, motivation, capital, livestock ownership, land ownership, farmer education, livestock experience and the covid-19 pandemic. The conclusion that can be drawn from this study is that there is a significant simultaneous influence of the independent variables, namely the role of government (X1), motivation (X2), capital (X3), livestock ownership (X4), land ownership (X5), farmer education (X6 ), experience (X7) and the covid-19 pandemic (X8) on the dependent variable (breeder income (Y) of 84.2%. Meanwhile, those that partially affect the income of farmers (one by one) are the capital factor (X3), the experience factor (X7) and the factor of the Covid-19 pandemic condition (X8). Keywords: Analysis; Goat; Factors; Income; Pangandaran
Protein Kasar dan Lemak Kasar Amofer Tongkol Jagung Menggunakan M21 Dekomposer dan Urea pada Level yang Berbeda Agus Prasetyo; Restuti Fitria; Novita Hindratiningrum
Bulletin of Applied Animal Research Vol 4 No 1 (2022): Bulletin of Applied Animal Research
Publisher : LPPM Perjuangan University of Tasikmalaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36423/baar.v4i1.928


Utilization of agricultural waste in the form of corn cobs in order to overcome the problem of availability of ruminant feed. Utilization of corn cobs as feed is still very minimal due to protein content, low digestibility and high lignin content, so it needs to be processed first. One method of processing corn cobs is using the ammonia fermentation method (amofer). The purpose of this study was to evaluate the use of M21 decomposer and urea on the protein and crude fat content of ammonia fermented corn cob. This research was carried out using an experimental method with a completely randomized design . The treatments in this study were the addition of M21 decomposer and urea (0 ; 0.04:3 ; 0.06:3 ; 0.04:5 ; 0.06:5 of the total formula solution). The variables observed were crude protein and fat. The results showed that the M21 decomposer and urea treatment had a very significant effect (P < 0.01) on the increase in crude protein, namely in the R4 treatment (amofer corn cobs with the addition of 0.06% M21 decomposer and urea 5 %) which is 6.19 ± 0.07%. And in the crude fat test, the results obtained a effect significant(P < 0.05), thehighest crude fat content was obtained in the R2 treatment (diamofer corn cob with the addition of 0.06% M21 decomposer and 3% urea) which was 6.11 ± 0.09 and the lowest was at R4 treatment (amofer corn cob with the addition of M21 decomposer 0.06% and 5% urea) was 3.26 ± 0.04. Keywords: Amofer, Corn Cob, M21 Decomposer
Metode Teknologi Fermentasi Pada Limbah Organik Makanan Sebagai Bahan Alternatif Tambahan Dalam Ransum Ayam Broiler Putri Awaliya Dughita; Andri Haryono Awalokta Kusuma; Abdul Hakim; Bagus Andika Fitroh; Adib Norma Respati
Bulletin of Applied Animal Research Vol 4 No 1 (2022): Bulletin of Applied Animal Research
Publisher : LPPM Perjuangan University of Tasikmalaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36423/baar.v4i1.929


his study aims to determine the effect of the method of fermentation technology on organic food waste as an additional alternative ingredient in broiler chicken dietary. The research was carried out in September 2018 at the physics and chemistry laboratory of the Universitas Islam Batik Surakarta. The research material uses restaurant food waste which is then fermented. The results of the proximate analysis of fermented food waste were BK 88.91%, Ash 8.94%, Protein 22.40%, Fat 5.96% and Crude Fiber 19.12%. Based on the results of proximate analysis, it shows that fermented food waste is included in protein source feed ingredients because it has a crude protein content of 20% or more, while restaurant waste fermentation has a crude protein content of 22.40%. The addition of 15% restaurant waste fermentation in broiler chicken rations can be done by adding other feed ingredients such as corn, soybean meal, fine bran, fish meal, palm oil, and premix. Keywords: food waste, broiler chicken dietary
Efek Lama Proses Amofer terhadap Protein Kasar dan Lignin Kulit Buah Kakao Firgian Ardigurnita; Nurul Frasiska; Novia Rahayu
Bulletin of Applied Animal Research Vol 4 No 1 (2022): Bulletin of Applied Animal Research
Publisher : LPPM Perjuangan University of Tasikmalaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36423/baar.v4i1.939


Indonesia is the third largest cocoa producer and exporter in the world after Ghana and Ivory Coast. Cocoa production in Indonesia in 2020 is 720,660 tons. Cocoa pods have good nutritional potential for ruminants which include 17.2% dry matter; organic matter 81.2%; crude protein 9.07%; neutral detergent fiber (NDF) 73.9%; acid detergent fiber (ADF) 58.98%; cellulose 38.65%; and lignin 20.15%. The purpose of this study was to determine the optimal time for making feed from cocoa pods using ammonia and fermentation (amofer) processes. This study used a completely randomized design (CRD) consisting of 5 treatments for the ammonia fermentation process (Amofer) with 5 replications. The research treatments were: P0 = cocoa pods without urea and without Aspergillus Niger, P1 = cocoa pods + urea 6% + Aspergillus Niger 0.31% + Mineral mix 2% for 7 days, P2 = Cocoa pods + urea 6% + Aspergillus Niger 0.31% + Mineral mix 2% for 14 days, P3 = cocoa pod + urea 6% + Aspergillus Niger 0.31% + Mineral mix 2% for 21 days P4 = cocoa pod + urea 6% + Aspergillus Niger 0.31% + Mineral mix 2% for 28 days. The results showed that the moisture content of the ammonium pod peel on day 0 was significantly different (P<0.05) with the moisture content on the 7th, 14th, 21st and 28th days. The variables measured were nutritional content which included water content, ash content, crude protein (PK) and total lignin. The data obtained were analyzed using analysis of variance and continued with the orthogonal polynomial test. The ash content on the 14th, 21st and 28th days of making cocoa pods using the ammonia fermentation (amofer) method using urea and Aspergillus Niger (P<0.05) was significantly different from the control. The results of crude protein analysis on the 7th, 14th, 21st and 28th days of making cocoa pods using the ammonia fermentation (amofer) method using urea and Aspergillus Niger (P<0.05) were significantly different from the control. The results of the analysis of total lignin on the 7th, 14th, 21st and 28th days of making cocoa pods using the ammonia fermentation (amofer) method using urea and Aspergillus Niger (P<0.05) were significantly different from the control. The conclusion of the treatment of cocoa pod peel with amofer is that the addition of urea 6% + Aspergillus Niger 0.31% + Mineral mix 2% with a difference in treatment time of up to 28 days can increase crude protein and water content and reduce ash content and total lignin. Keywords: amofer, ammoniation, fermentation, cocoa pods, feed. Keywords: amofer, ammonia, fermentation, cocoa fruit peel, feed.
Analisis Mutu Produk Naget Substitusi Hati Ayam Kampung Unggul Balitbangtan (KUB) Pradiptya Ayu Harsita; Hidayat Bambang Setyawan; Amam Amam
Bulletin of Applied Animal Research Vol 4 No 1 (2022): Bulletin of Applied Animal Research
Publisher : LPPM Perjuangan University of Tasikmalaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36423/baar.v4i1.941


The product of naget which is substituted for chicken liver is an innovation in the development of livestock products that have added value and as a form of product diversification. This study aims to determine the quality of the product through the assessment of consumer acceptance of KUB chicken meat naget and KUB chicken liver substituted chicken nuggets. The research was conducted at the Laboratory of Animal Products Technology, Animal Husbandry Study Program, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Jember. The research was conducted with a quantitative descriptive approach. The variables observed were product quality testing which included color, texture, aroma, and taste attributes. Data were analyzed using Microsoft Excel 2010 for descriptive analysis and SPSS 25 program for statistical analysis. The results showed that the texture, aroma, and taste attributes of KUB chicken nuggets and KUB chicken liver substituted chicken nuggets had no difference, while the color attribute had a significant difference (P < 0.05). The conclusion of the study was that the color difference in the KUB chicken liver substitution nugget could reduce consumer acceptance, so the research recommendation was to add natural dyes, so that the substituted nugget had a bright color like KUB chicken nugget, so that the substituted nugget could be accepted by consumers.

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